(Comma is very important here!) Instead of Value 2 you can introduce another IF! Can you see how it works?Ģ1 Recode BMI into 1,2 or 3 We should also recode BMI into numeric OBESCLAS2 for import into Prism. Try to “understand” the code below: If (“condition 1 satisfied”, then put Value 1, otherwise put Value2). Then drag down cell G2 until G101 to fill up the rest of the cells. Variable 1 Variable 2 Criteria Type of Test Qualitative Sample size > 20 dan no expected value 30 Proportionate Test Dichotomus Sample size > 40 but with at least one expected value 25,"Overweight ","Normal")) in cell G2 and press Enter. Independent Dependent Test Qualitative Dichotomus Quantitative Data not normally distributed Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test or U Mann- Whitney Test Kruskal-Wallis One Polinomial Way ANOVA Test Repeated measurement of the same individual & item Wilcoxon Rank Sign Test Quantitative - continous/ordina l continous Spearman/Kendall Rank Correlationġ4 Statistical Tests for Qualitative Data Normally distributed data Quantitative - continous Pearson Correlation & Linear Regresssion Independent Dependent Test Qualitative Dichotomus Quantitative Normally distributed data Student's t Test (more than 3 categories) ANOVA Repeated measurement of the Paired t Test same individual & item (e.g. Use these tables to choose the appropriate statistical tests. So you must know exactly what analysis is required.ġ1 Choosing the appropriate statistical tests Specific analysis requires specific tables. Data needed for analysis are copied into specific tables within Prism.

Data are usually entered and manipulated using spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel. Look for “Graphpad Prism for Windows or Mac”ģ Uniqueness of Prism Prism caters for analysis and graphs for scientific publication, especially for laboratory and biomedical research. (If you’re wondering, SPSS will only do a Fisher’s Exact for a 2×2 table).2 Download & Install You can obtain GraphPad/Prism by going to “Software Download Services” in MOLE. Great software if you can get access to it. Not all standard statistical software will do one for a 2×4 table, but it can be done. If you still find that your expected values are too low, use a Fisher’s Exact test. Often when the observed values are low, the totals are too, so they overlap a lot, but not always.Ģ. (The expected value for each cell is row total*column total/overall total). It is that the expected value in each cell is greater than 5.

The assumption of the Chi-square test is not that the observed value in each cell is greater than 5. Is there any other test that I could use that overcomes the limitations of chi-square?ġ. I cannot run the chi-square test because most of the cells contain values less than five and a couple of them contain values of 0. I have to compare two sets of categorical data in a 2×4 table.

This question comes up a lot, so I thought I’d share my answer. I was recently asked this question about Chi-square tests.